3w ago
🦿 Top 3 Signs It Might Be Time To Consider Hip or Knee Replacement - All #jointreplacement is major surgery and a decision often best made in conjunction with your surgeon, family and close friends . 1. Daily Activities Have Become a Challenge: When simple tasks (walking up stairs, getting dressed, standing from chair) become consistently painful, it’s more than just “getting older.” Quality of life matters, and joint replacement could help you reclaim your independence. Studies show 90-95% of patients experience significant pain relief after surgery!#hipreplacement 2. Conservative Treatments Aren’t Working: When physical therapy, medications, injections, and lifestyle modifications fail to provide lasting relief, don’t lose hope. Modern joint replacement techniques have come a long way, with many patients returning to their favorite activities within months. 3. Pain Persists Even at Rest: Experiencing #jointpain while sitting, lying down or trying to rest? When pain disrupts your sleep + affects you even during rest, it could indicate advanced joint deterioration. Remember: Joint replacement is a major decision that requires careful consideration with your healthcare team. But with success rates over 90% and millions of procedures performed annually, it’s a life-changing option for many. . 👇 What impacted your decision to have hip or #kneereplacement - Who helped the most? #ArthritisRelief #Orthopedics
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