3w ago
There is a social media movement online to demean sunscreen, it’s need, and the importance of sun protection. Let it be known that dermatologists around the world including those that specialize in removing and treating skin cancers will tell you—sun safety matters. As a parent; I think when we hear this we can fall into extremes. You don’t need to fear the sun. Enjoy it, get outside, and experience nature. But balance is key here with sun protection which for us and our kids can look like sun-safe clothing, hats, and sunscreen. How do we approach? Sunscreen every day given our children play outside a lot here in Florida. Reapplication as needed per packaging. When swimming or at the beach, we opt for sun-safe UPF clothing with long sleeves and hats if they can keep them on. Do we sometimes forget to reapply sunscreen? Yes. But we do the best we can to reduce sun exposure risk. According to research we have, sunburns during childhood or adolescence can increase the odds of developing melanoma later in life. Experiencing five or more blistering sunburns between ages 15 and 20 increases one’s melanoma risk by 80% and nonmelanoma skin cancer risk by 68%. Besides the risk of melanoma, being sun-safe means overall better skin health and less signs of premature aging. Growing up in California, I still remember my mom telling me to put on sunscreen and sit in the shade. As the defiant teenager I was; I would bake in the sun to tan. People loved commenting on my tan skin so I went all in. I have an olive skin tone and rarely burned; but I did develop sun spots later in life. I wish I listened to her (they do say moms know best, right?). Please know this: sun safety is important. The sunscreen market is not trying to kill you. The sun, however, when unchecked can be harmful. For my full blog on sunscreen safety, my favorite sunscreens for kids, and more on all th
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