1w ago
Stitch with: @paeds_education ❤️Video is a simulation with deli meat❤️ Button batteries can be incredibly dangerous to children, and their small size makes them easy to swallow or insert into the nose or ears. Kids are naturally curious and the battery’s circular shape can mimic candy, increasing the likelihood a child may put one in their mouth. Once inside, these batteries can cause serious injury within hours, as they can get lodged and start a chemical reaction that burns through tissue, leading to severe internal damage or even death. Even if your child seems fine after swallowing one, damage can happen rapidly and silently. It’s critical to keep all devices with button batteries out of reach and know the signs of ingestion, like coughing, drooling, or discomfort. 🌟For more info on foreign body ingestion, including other commonly swallowed household products, symptoms, what an evaluation may look like, and when treatment is needed, comment or DM me “FOREIGN BODY YOUTUBE” to get a link to the PedsDocTalk TV video on the subject. 🌟 Did you learn anything in this video? Has your child ever swallowed or tried to swallow something that they shouldn’t? Share your experience below to spread awareness, and check out the comment section for some other commonly swallowed household products you should keep out of reach of kids!
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