1w ago
Stitch with: @mcfamlife (apologies for incorrect credit initially!) Newborns DO sometimes look cross-eyed, but this isn’t due to alcohol consumption! 👀🙅🏽♀️It happens because their eye muscles and coordination are still developing, and is common to see up to 6 months of age. When it comes to alcohol and breastfeeding, there are some important things to consider. First, alcohol consumption while breastfeeding can affect both the quality of your milk and your baby’s experience. Alcohol can change the taste of breast milk, and some babies may not like the altered flavor, potentially leading to feeding difficulties. Also, breastfeeding while alcohol is present in your system poses a risk to your baby, as the alcohol passes into your breast milk and can be consumed by your infant. One drink is generally safe without needing to pump and dump, but if you feel tipsy, wait at least 2 hours before feeding, and avoid nursing while intoxicated. Another popular myth: That ‘pumping and dumping’ speeds up alcohol leaving your milk... Nope! 🍼 Alcohol in your bloodstream = alcohol in your breast milk. If too intoxicated to breastfeed, you can pump, dump that milk, and for next feed, if no longer feeling intoxicated, breastfeed as you normally would. Always er on the side of caution and wait until alcohol is completely out of your system to keep baby alcohol-free. 💕 ❤️❤️Remember if you do pump because you drank, you can save the milk for a breastmilk bath ❤️❤️ Have you heard any other myths surrounding breastfeeding and drinking alcohol? Share below!
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