2w ago
sleep juice 😂 . Factors that can make Intubation more challenging include: - Anatomy: small mouth opening, short neck, limited neck, prominent incisor, full set of teeth, or a large neck circumference - Obesity - Age: Patients >55 yrs old - Mallampati score: of 3 or 4 indicates that the uvula is not visible when the mouth is open. Other conditions that can make intubation more difficult include: - Snoring or sleep apnea - Dyspnea when supine - Secretions - Poor cardiopulmonary reserve - Stiff lungs/cervical spine - Post-op hematoma - Intraoral cavity mass Intubation is rarely problematic in the hands of an experienced #Anethesiologist or other #Anesthesia team member #respect . while ortho and anesthesia are usually on opposite sides of the fight 😉... @anesthesiagawd I want you/I need you on my team!
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