Public service announcement 🗣Hypertension! What is it? What can you do...and why you should listen to your doctor! This is a very broad topic condensed to 1 I threw in as much as I could! ❤️ ✅Low salt diet ✅Exercise (aerobic!) 30min/day ✅Dark chocolate is great for your blood pressure (think a small square @dovechocolate size. The darker the better. ✅one glass of red wine a day ✅de-stress through #mindfulness and #meditation . . #hypertension #highbloodpressure #stroke #heartdoctor #cardiologist #cardiology #drtiffany #queenofhearts #teacher #patientadvocate #mylife #manicmonday #residency #medicalschool #patient #ftlauderdale #soflo #broco #topdoc