3w ago
💪 Pectoralis (Chest) Muscle Tears . Heard that dreaded “pop” during bench press? #Pectoralis major tears are an increasingly common injury in weightlifting and strength sports that deserve our attention. The pec major is a powerful fan-shaped muscle across your chest that helps you push, pull, and rotate your arm. While relatively rare, tears are becoming more frequent, especially in weight training and CrossFit communities. Most commonly, these injuries occur during the lowering phase of bench press, when the muscle is under maximum tension. Warning signs include: - Sudden pop or tearing sensation #BenchPress - Immediate pain/weakness #SportsInjury - Visible deformity/asymmetry - Bruising in chest/upper arm - Loss of strength w/ pushing movements . Early diagnosis is crucial. Many athletes initially brush it off as a strain, but delayed treatment can lead to worse outcomes. If you suspect a tear, get it checked ASAP - MRI is the gold standard for diagnosis. Treatment options depend on tear severity and your activity goals. While some partial tears may heal with conservative treatment, complete tears often need surgical repair for optimal outcomes - especially in active individuals wanting to return to training. Research shows surgical repair generally provides better strength recovery and cosmetic results. #PecTear Recovery timeline: - 6 weeks initial healing - 2-3 mos gradual strengthening - 4-6 mos return to full activity Proper rehab is essential! . 👇 SHARE your pec injury experience & insights
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