3w ago
Never think that doctors do it all alone! It’s a team effort! 🕺This guy right here is my rep for a medical device company. He has helped our office prepare for in-office implantation of loop recorders. The in-office implantation was just approved this year. It’s going to cut down on time for our patients and is so much more convenient than doing this minor procedure in the hospital! I definitely could not do the more complicated things I do without my awesome staff 🙌🏻 and my expert reps. Sean knows this device like the back of his hand, and although not a physician, his expertise is always welcome! No drama. No selfishness. No attitude. A patient’s happiness, a patient’s health and a happy office is a team effort! #ittakesavillage #teameffort #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #drtiffany #queenofhearts #cardiology #looprecorder #cardiologist #officeflow #medicalschool #medicine #womeninmedicine
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Emergency Medicine Pros
on Buzz Continuum
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