1w ago
🦿Meniscus Tear Diagnosis . #MeniscusTears are one of the most common knee injuries, but they can be tricky to diagnose. Your doctor will first gather crucial information about how the injury occurred. Whether it happened during sports, a sudden twist, or developed gradually matters significantly in the diagnostic process. They’ll ask about specific symptoms like: - Clicking or popping sounds - Knee locking/catching - Pain when twisting/rotating - Swelling/stiffness - Difficulty fully extending your knee . Physical examination is next. Several specific tests can be used to check for meniscal tears: - McMurray Test (61% sensitive, 84% specific): Involves rotating the knee while moving from flexion to extension - Thessaly Test (75% sensitive, 87% specific): Standing on one leg while rotating the knee at 20 degrees flexion - Joint Line Tenderness Test (83% sensitive/specific): Careful palpation of the knee joint line While these physical tests are helpful, imaging is often necessary for confirmation. MRI is the gold standard, showing incredible detail of the meniscus with: 📊 93% sensitivity for medial meniscus tears 📊 79% sensitivity for lateral meniscus tears 📊 88-96% specificity overall Proper diagnosis leads to proper treatment. Whether it’s conservative management or surgical intervention, knowing exactly what you’re dealing with is crucial for recovery. . 👇 How was your #MeniscusInjury diagnosed?
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