3w ago
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) After Knee Replacement . While most patients progress well with physical therapy, some may develop limited range of motion that requires additional intervention. Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) is a non-surgical procedure where your surgeon gently moves your knee while you’re under anesthesia to break up scar tissue (adhesions) that may be limiting your movement, like pressing the “reset button” on your knee’s mobility: - Most effective when performed within 12 wks after surgery #MUA - Success rate of approximately 85% - Typically an outpatient procedure - Takes only a few minutes to perform . Why might you need MUA? 🔹 Excessive scar tissue formation 🔹 Slower-than-expected progress with knee flexion 🔹 Persistent stiffness despite physical therapy 🔹 Protective muscle guarding due to pain What to expect: 1️⃣ Pre-procedure evaluation 2️⃣ General anesthesia administration 3️⃣ Gentle manipulation by your surgeon 4️⃣ Same-day discharge 5️⃣ Immediate start of physical therapy Success of MUA largely depends on your dedication to post-procedure rehabilitation. #Physicaltherapy typically begins the same day, and maintaining your range of motion through exercise is crucial to prevent adhesions from reforming. Studies show that patients who undergo MUA within 3 mos of their knee replacement typically achieve better outcomes than those who wait longer - early intervention is key! If you’re experiencing significant #kneestiffness after knee replacement, don’t wait too long to discuss MUA with your surgeon . 👇 SHARE your #KneeReplacement experience & tips
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