3w ago
“Let’s talk about SLEEP baby!” 💤 Did you know that sleep apnea can lead to heart ❤️ problems?? Oh my oh my can it! Sleep apnea deprives the body (including the heart!!) of oxygen when you sleep. It throws off hormone regulation (think high blood pressure and diabetes) and deprives your heart of oxygen too! When the heart lacks oxygen, it leads to arrhythmias (like atrial fibrillation and bradycardia) and can lead to cardiomyopathies (low heart function) as well! I always consider sleep apnea in ALL of my cardiac patients, especially those with various cardiac diagnoses and we “don’t know why”. Remember, anyone can have sleep apnea, it’s not just always just the larger patients...skinny patients can have it too! If you don’t think 🤔 of it, you’ll never diagnose it!! . #drtiffany #queenofhearts #cardiology #cardiologist #atrialfibrillation #afib #osa #sleepapnea #cardiomyopathy #heartdisease #cpap #pacemakers #topdoc #5stardoc #broco #ftlauderdale #medicalschool #residency #nursing #rn #md #do #somedoc #whatacardiologistlookslike #womeninmedicine
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Cardio Care Collective
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