4w ago
I swear this is what I feel like I am doing when someone complains of “fatigue”! Come out come out wherever you are! Fatigue is a VERY common complaint in my practice. A lot of times, fatigue can come from not enough sleep or sleep apnea, medications, stress or even lab abnormalities. But unrelenting (and acute or new) fatigue may be a symptom of a major cardiac issue. Many times that I have seen patients who have new and significant fatigue with a normal regular workup (labs, sleep hygiene/ sleep apnea addressed and medications reviewed) I have found significant coronary artery disease which when corrected alleviates their fatigue. Not all cardiac symptoms are “chest pain”! Also- I had entirely too much fun making this reel. And I have likely sufficiently embarrassed my husband now 🤣 Moral of the story? Trust your intuition. You know your body better than anyone, so keep looking until answers are found! #queenofhearts #mystery #cardiology #cardiologist #fatigue #funny #heartdisease #fatigue #hearthealth #physician #doctoring #topdoc #medicine #youknow #healthtips
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