2w ago
🔪 How do surgeons close incisions after surgery? . Traditional external sutures remain a reliable choice, where surgeons carefully stitch the wound using specialized surgical thread. These can be continuous (one long running stitch) or interrupted (individual stitches), each with specific benefits for different situations. Subcutaneous (under-the-skin) #sutures offer an elegant solution by closing deeper tissue layers while leaving minimal external scarring. These dissolve naturally over time as the body heals, eliminating the need for removal. Surgical staples provide a quick and precise closure option, particularly beneficial for long incisions or in areas where speed is crucial. While they may look intimidating, staples often result in clean, consistent wound closure and can be removed easily during recovery. #woundhealing Newest innovations in wound closure include adhesive zip-tie style devices. These clever systems use adhesive strips on either side of the incision with a zippered mechanism to bring the edges together. They offer several advantages: no puncturing of the skin, easy adjustment of tension, and typically less scarring. . Each #skinclosure method has its place in modern surgery, with the choice depending on factors like: - Location/length of the incision - Type of surgery performed - Tissue characteristics - Required healing time - Patient factors The evolution of surgical closure techniques continues to improve patient outcomes + recovery experiences. . HOW was your incision closed? SHARE your incision healing experience & tips . . 🎥 @joannacook, Stryker™️ Zipline skin closure
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