1w ago
🏀 High Ankle Sprains: Syndesmosis Injury - Diagnosis to Recovery . A high #anklesprain (syndesmosis injury) isn’t your typical ankle twist - it’s a complex injury affecting the strong ligaments that connect your tibia and fibula above your ankle. While traditional ankle sprains heal relatively quickly, these injuries can require special attention + often longer recovery times. Conservative Treatment Includes: - Initial RICE protocol (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) - Protected weight-bearing w/ appropriate bracing/support - Progressive rehabilitation focusing on: Controlled ankle mobility, Strength training, Balance/proprioception exercises, Sport-specific training . Surgical Intervention is sometimes needed (w/ progressive pain or instability). Modern, minimally-invasive repair technique benefits include: - Earlier weight-bearing - More natural joint motion - Reduced need for hardware removal - Faster return to sports 📊 Research shows that proper #anklerehab after either conservative or surgical treatment is crucial for optimal outcomes. Modern repair techniques can cut recovery time nearly in half vs more traditional screw fixation. Whether treated surgically or non-surgically, patience and proper progression through rehabilitation phases are essential. Working with experienced healthcare providers who understand these complex injuries can make all the difference in your recovery journey! . SHARE your #AnkleInjury experience and tips . . . 🎥 credits @doctorrandall - ankle instability, Arthrex Syndesmosis TightRope™️ XP Implant System
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