1w ago
Headed back to nursing school? Be sure to grab your FREE download: 77 Must-Know Nursing Topics - Click the link in our bio or visit nursing.com/nfn Letβs break down the stages of pressure ulcers. π Pressure Ulcer Staging: Stage 1: π΄ Description: Non-blanchable erythema of intact skin. The area may be painful, firm, soft, warmer, or cooler compared to adjacent tissue. π Care Tip: Relieve pressure on the affected area and monitor closely for changes. Stage 2: π Description: Partial-thickness loss of skin with exposed dermis. The wound bed is pink or red and may appear as an intact or ruptured blister. π Care Tip: Maintain a moist wound environment and protect the area from further injury. Stage 3: π¦ Description: Full-thickness skin loss where adipose tissue is visible. Granulation tissue and rolled wound edges may be present, along with slough or eschar. π Care Tip: Debride necrotic tissue if present and use appropriate wound dressings to promote healing. Stage 4: β οΈ Description: Full-thickness skin and tissue loss with exposed muscle, tendon, ligament, or bone. Slough or eschar may be visible. π Care Tip: Requires advanced wound care, possibly surgical intervention, and aggressive infection prevention measures. Unstageable: β Description: Full-thickness skin and tissue loss where the extent of damage cannot be confirmed due to slough or eschar obscuring the wound. π Care Tip: The wound must be debrided to determine the stage and appropriate treatment. #NursingStudent #PressureUlcers #WoundCare #NursingEducation #NCLEXPrep #FutureNurse #NursingSchoolLife #ClinicalSkills #NurseInTraining #StudentNurse #NursingKnowledge #PatientCare #NursingCommunity #SkinCareInNursing #HealthcareEducation
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