1w ago
Game changer for video creators 🙌🏼 InVideo is free to try! Use code DRCORY50 to 2x your video generation (for first month on paid plan). Clone your voice, remove watermark, add captions, music and more! 🔗 in bio . 🦴 Hardware Removal After Bone Fracture: Benefits vs. Risks While many implants are designed to stay in your body permanently, sometimes removal becomes necessary. Potential Benefits: - Pain relief #brokenbones - Better range of motion - Reduced stiffness - Elimination of cold sensitivity ⚠️ Important Risks to Consider: - Overall complication rate ~10% - Wound healing - Infection risk - Potential nerve damage - Risk of refracture - Recovery time Removal might be recommended for persistent pain, #bonehardware prominence, infection, non-healing #fractures or joint stiffness. While hardware removal isn’t mandatory in most cases, it’s crucial to understand that it isn’t a risk-free decision. Every case is unique! The decision to remove hardware should be made carefully between you and your #orthopedicsurgeon = weighing your specific symptoms, risks, potential benefits. . 👇 SHARE your bone hardware experience and consider checking-out @invideo.io #invideoaipartner
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