2w ago
Don’t let your knowledge get ‘too acidic’ or ‘too alkaline’—balance it out with our Back-to-School deals! Click the link in our bio to grab 30% off essentials while they last! 🩺📚✨ 📝 Respiratory Acidosis: 🔍 Definition: Respiratory acidosis occurs when the lungs can’t remove enough carbon dioxide (CO2), causing CO2 to build up in the blood and lower pH (becomes more acidic). 📋 Causes: Conditions like COPD, asthma, pneumonia, or drug overdose can lead to impaired breathing and cause respiratory acidosis. 🩺 Symptoms: Patients may experience confusion, lethargy, headache, shortness of breath, and low pH with elevated PaCO2 in blood gas readings. 💊 Treatment: Focus on improving ventilation—through medications (bronchodilators, oxygen), or mechanical ventilation in severe cases. 📝 Respiratory Alkalosis: 🔍 Definition: Respiratory alkalosis occurs when too much CO2 is exhaled due to hyperventilation, increasing blood pH (becomes more alkaline). 📋 Causes: Common causes include anxiety, pain, fever, or conditions like pulmonary embolism or asthma that cause rapid breathing. 🩺 Symptoms: Symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, tingling in the extremities, and high pH with low PaCO2 in blood gas readings. 💊 Treatment: Slowing the breathing rate is key—this can be achieved through relaxation techniques, breathing into a paper bag, or addressing the underlying cause of hyperventilation. #NursingStudent #RespiratoryAcidosis #RespiratoryAlkalosis #AcidBaseBalance #NursingEducation #NCLEXPrep #FutureNurse #NursingSchoolLife #ClinicalSkills #PatientCare #NurseInTraining #StudentNurse #HealthcareHeroes #30PercentOff #LimitedTimeOffer
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