2w ago
Did anyone else see this and think — if baby carrots are now being vilified nothing is safe!!🥕 I may have a conflict of interest because I am BABY CARROT OBSESSED. There is something so yummy about them. Maybe it’s the chlorine! JK Baby carrots ARE rinsed in a chlorine solution, but this is a common practice to kill bacteria and keep your food safe. The carrots are rinsed afterward to remove any excess chlorine, which evaporates quickly. The amount left is minimal, similar to what’s in drinking water, and it’s safe—just enough to kill bacteria without harming us. Remember, it’s all about the dose, and chlorine rinses at this level are harmless! 🙌🏽 As a pediatrician, I love following evidence-based nutrition accounts that debunk myths and provide real facts on food science. Here are some of my favorite accounts that regularly tackle misinformation and who I also learn a lot from given I don’t have a degree in nutrition myself: 1️⃣ @foodsciencebabe 2️⃣ @dr.adrian.chavez 3️⃣ @drjessicaknurick 4️⃣ @biolayne 5️⃣ @growing.intuitive.eaters 6️⃣ @kids.eat.in.color 7️⃣ @plantbasedjuniors Tag your favorite pediatric nutrition or nutrition accounts below so we can all learn from the best! 💡💬
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