2w ago
🙅‍♀️Comparison is the thief of joy. If I listened to everyone who told me that I wouldn’t make it in private practice…that having a concierge practice would never work….that dropping insurances is crazy, I’d never do what I have done. BUT- I knew I could do it. There is no way of knowing without believing in yourself and taking a risk. At the end of the day, we run a responsive, caring practice and our patients see that and they appreciate that. People will pay for good service and you have to follow through on what you have agreed to provide. For our office, it is a smiling staff, a welcoming, kind approach to office visits and a doctor (me!) who listens and doesn’t judge. Comparing your life and goals to others will only lead you down their path, not yours. You need to follow your own dreams, believe in yourself and don’t worry, nor look (nor care!) about what others are doing. Water your own grass. Mind your own business. Be positive. Be happy. We did it. We met a big goal for fiscal year 2022 by August 1. And this is just the beginning! #queenofhearts #cardiology #privatepractice #doctoring #doctor #topdoc #physician #lovemylife #optimism #teamnodrama #career #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #doyouboo #medicine #5stardoctor
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