4w ago
🙌 Circulating Nurses - Unsung Heroes of the Operating Room . Circulating (and Perioperative) Nurses are highly skilled registered nurses (RN) and the guardians of patient safety + masterminds of surgical workflow. While they don’t perform the surgery, they’re the vital force that keeps everything running smoothly before, during, and after each procedure. Like operating room’s air traffic controllers: ✔️ They verify patient identity and surgical sites ✔️ Maintain strict sterile conditions ✔️ Coordinate with surgical teams ✔️ Monitor vital signs ✔️ Manage essential equipment and supplies ✔️ Document crucial procedural details ✔️ Serve as the patient’s advocate when they’re most vulnerable By law, every #operatingroom must have at least one #circulatingnurse present during the entire procedure! They’re the only team members who can move freely between sterile and non-sterile areas, making them essential links between the surgical field and the outside world. These healthcare heroes combine clinical expertise with exceptional organizational skills and quick thinking. From managing complex technology to anticipating surgeons’ needs, they’re constantly two steps ahead. They’re also the patient’s voice when they can’t speak for themselves, ensuring safety protocols are followed and comfort is maintained. The next time you or a loved one needs surgery, remember: while the surgeon’s hands may be performing the procedure, it’s the circulating nurse who’s conducting the entire operating room symphony! #SurgicalTeam #MedicalProfessionals . 👇 SHARE how an Operating Room Nurse helped you succeed in surgery . . 🎥 @thewrightsurgeon @diaawska TT
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