5d ago
Children and babies can overheat quickly If you notice yourself or your child feeling unwell in the heat, here are ways to cool down: ➡️Bring them into a cool shaded place (air-conditioned vehicle or building is preferred). A fan is good too if you don’t have access to an air-conditioned space. ➡️Give them liquids. BM or formula if an infant or water if a child. ➡️Apply cool towels on the back of their neck and forehead. You can use an ice pack or cold washcloth or towel. Cooling down the back of the neck has been shown to reduce body heat faster than cooling down other parts of the body. ➡️Monitor the symptoms closely. If hydration and the cooler environment do not help their symptoms, they will not drink anything, or they are not alert at their baseline, seek medical attention. A heat stroke is a severe situation that can be fatal. This is when body temperatures rise to the point of being unable to cool itself. Signs of heat stroke: ➡️Confusion, altered mental status, or slurred speech. Think: a child who is incoherent or not interacting with you at their baseline developmental level. This can be very difficult to see in an infant as they can be quiet at baseline if that’s their temperament. ➡️Loss of consciousness (not responding to you) ➡️Hot, dry skin or profuse sweating ➡️Seizures For my complete blog on heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and ways to cool off comment HOT WEATHER BLOG and we will send a link to your DMs. Questions. Ask below. *I’m not looking for negative comments about the family. You can go elsewhere for that. They made a huge mistake and are grieving the loss of their child. This post is for education so we can prevent more situations like this*
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Pediatrics & Family Care
on Buzz Continuum
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